Why You Need More Than Just a Resume
There’s nothing like a first impression, and in the case of job applicants, that is often a resume. But let’s

Employee Selection
Familiarity Breeds Success – Why and How to use Internal Hiring
It’s no secret: Hiring can be expensive.
Whether replacing an employee or creating a new position, the costs mount quickly… and

Why Some Companies Don’t Use Pre-Employment Testing
Wonderlic recently surveyed over 300 HR professionals about their assessment strategy, and the results show a vast majority of respondents

Knowing What You Need in a Candidate
The current economic climate has made competition tough for job hunters but applications plentiful for firms.
With 3.8 million unfilled jobs

Synergy in Testing: Combining Personnel Assessments for Optimal Results
There are all sorts of tools you can use for screening job applicants. Two are particularly effective when used together…

What is a Cognitive Ability Test?
Have you ever wondered what a cognitive ability test is? This blog with Jen Garrow explains cognitive ability and why

Employee Assessments: Tactical or Strategic?
You followed the hiring process to a T and it worked!
You hired a great employee and they are proving to