For all the people

Employers must be able to prove that any hiring processes used to find applicants are job-related. It’s the law and it just makes sense. Wonderlic has employers covered when it comes to job matching. The tools we offer for hiring professionals are all part and parcel of a fair (and therefore compliant) hiring process.

Here’s the sticky wicket:

It’s difficult for organizations of any size to create a rigorous, standardized hiring process that also incorporates enough customization to be relevant to every job opening available. That’s where we come in. Wonderlic assessments are engineered to be fast and easy to use for employers, without sacrificing the measurement of job-centric qualifications.

WonScore test results are tied directly to a specific job description. Job-specific scoring allows a fair comparison across any role. Plus, the criteria used to evaluate candidates is related only to essential job components. By leveraging the Department of Labor's O*NET database, we’ve mapped positions by combining the most comprehensive job information with our own extensive normative data.

A diverse group of eight people sits on the floor against a white brick wall, smiling and leaning on each other. Their relaxed demeanor and sense of camaraderie hint at shared experiences, perhaps bonded over discussions about employment law and friendship that transcends the workplace.

Cite-seeing (because we did our research)

There are several landmark US Supreme Court cases that shaped the
interpretation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which means they affected the
role and proper use of employment tests):

Let WonScore guide
your hiring compass

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