Candidate Guide

Need to take a Wonderlic Test?
We've got you covered.

Our comprehensive guides will give you everything you need to know, so you understand what to expect before taking a Wonderlic assessment.



Answers and tips to our most common questions

Practice Tests

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How to Prepare

What to know before taking the test

Why do companies
use assessments?

Your Chance to Shine

These assessments are an opportunity for you to showcase your unique skills and strengths. Furthermore, they give you a chance to demonstrate your abilities beyond what's on your resume or what you might share in an interview.


Fair Play

We design these assessments to be fair, thereby giving every candidate an equal shot. By using standardized tests, companies aim to minimize biases and focus purely on your abilities and fit for the role.

A Peek into Your Potential

Wonderlic tests are good indicators of how you might perform on the job. This means companies are looking beyond just your past experiences and are interested in your potential to grow and succeed in the role.


A Clear Process

These assessments help organizations build a more transparent and structured selection process. It's all about finding the right match - ensuring the role is right for you just as much as you are right for the role.

What do actual candidates think about Wonderlic?

"I like that assessments help the company get to know me before the interview process."

What do actual candidates think about Wonderlic?

"It gives employers more information than just what's on my resume."

What do actual candidates think about Wonderlic?

"I like the assessments because it makes me feel as if the company actually cares about knowing the people they are potentially hiring."

Want to See a Sample of the Candidate Feedback Report?

Organizations that partner with Wonderlic can send out a candidate feedback report after the tests are completed.


Types of assessments











More About Wonderlic


Wonderlic provides talent assessments that help spotlight an individual's potential for success. Moreover, our multi-measure assessments are designed to offer fair, predictive, and easy-to-use insights. These insights not only help employers make informed hiring decisions but also empower employees to take ownership of their development journey.

Learn more about our assessments

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Wonderlic Select

Hire the best candidate for your role

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Wonderlic Develop

High impact development that improves performance

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