Scott Chevrolet: How Wonderlic helps us predict how candidates will behave on the job

“The Wonderlic Personnel Test tells me many things about job applicants. Can they take direction? Will they listen and learn? Are they capable of handling the job?”

Scott Chevrolet is one of the largest auto dealerships in the Emmaus, Pennsylvania, an area with 130 employees. The dealership is located on the busy Lehigh Street Auto Mile- surrounded by at least a dozen other competitors.

“The way candidates react to the test itself is an indicator of future behavior. It tells me something about how they’re going to behave on the job.”

Mary Ellen Solomon, Scott Chevrolet HR Manager

The Challenge

Being one of twenty dealerships within a mile of each other means customer service has to be on point for Scott Chevrolet. If someone has a bad experience with them, they can head literally next door to find what they’re looking for. So how can Scott Chevrolet ensure that everyone they hire is up to snuff when it comes to sales and personality? No brainer: hit the gas with Wonderlic.

The Solution

It’s critical for customer service to be top priority for Scott Chevrolet. That’s why they’ve been using Wonderlic assessments in all hiring processes for more than six years. Human Resources Manager Mary Ellen Solomon is impressed by how accurately they measure a candidate’s ability to learn a specific job, solve problems, understand instructions, and apply knowledge to new situations.

“The Wonderlic cognitive test tells me many things about job applicants,” she says. “Can they take direction? Will they listen and learn? Are they intelligent enough to handle the job?” 

If their applicants aren’t up to snuff on any of these traits, Solomon has to pump the brakes.

The Results

Instead of relying on one minimum number, Solomon bases her ideal test scores on specific job descriptions. “Hiring is complicated because all of our people, including salespeople, mechanics, and office staff, require different skills-sets,” she says. 

Not only has Solomon benefited from the Wonderlic test results, but she’s also realized that the attitude of her applicants shows what kind of worker they’ll be in the future. “The way candidates react to the test itself is an indicator of future behavior,” she says. “It tells me something about how they’re going to behave on the job.”

In the heated competition on the busy Lehigh Street Auto Mile, Wonderlic has helped Scott Chevrolet speed into first place.

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