For Candidates

July 30, 2024

Jessica Haig

Wonderlic Sample Questions

Wonderlic Sample Questions
Jessica Haig

Wonderlic provides talent assessments that help spotlight an individual’s potential for success. Our multi-measure assessments are designed to offer fair, predictive, and easy-to-use insights that help employers make informed hiring decisions and empower employees to take ownership of their development journey. In this blog, we’ll explore what Wonderlic assessments are, provide you with Wonderlic sample questions, and share tips on how to prepare, along with answers to frequently asked questions.

What Does Wonderlic Measure and How Does It Impact Hiring Decisions?

What Does Wonderlic Measure?

Wonderlic assessments measure enduring qualities—those non-technical skills that can help individuals adapt to the changing demands of the workforce. Common assessment types used by organizations during their hiring process include personality, cognitive ability, motivation, and technical skills. These assessments provide a holistic view of a candidate’s potential beyond what a resume or interview might reveal.

How Does Wonderlic Impact Hiring Decisions?

Using Wonderlic pre-employment assessments during the recruitment process enables organizations to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a candidate’s potential. This, in turn, leads to better hiring decisions. As humans, we can sometimes be distracted by irrelevant information, which has no impact on job performance, leading to bias in our evaluation of candidates. Tools like Wonderlic Select help keep employment decisions focused on what matters most for the unique needs of each job.

Additional Facts About Wonderlic:

  • Wonderlic has been helping organizations hire for over 85 years.
  • We assess over 4 million candidates a year.
  • Our tools are able to assess candidates and employees across nearly 1 million unique job titles.
  • Our assessments measure multiple constructs within the context of work to predict your abilities, personality, and motivations.

How Can I Prepare for a Wonderlic Assessment?

  • Do you need to study?
    • The best way to prepare is to find a distraction-free space and dedicate time to telling us about you. Read instructions carefully and take time to showcase who you are and what your passion is through your response.
  • Are there correct and incorrect answers?
    • Yes and no. People are happiest and more likely to perform at their best when their unique combination of strengths aligns with their job responsibilities. As such, taking a Wonderlic test is an opportunity to brag about what makes you the best candidate for the job you are applying for. For most of the questions, the correct response is the one that best describes you. However, in order to understand how you approach problems and make decisions at work, there are several questions with correct and incorrect responses. The best way to approach these is to read the instructions before beginning that section.
  • Do I need to hire a coach or pay for test prep materials?
    • No. Be cautious of any website asking for money for test prep. You should never have to pay to take a Wonderlic assessment. This includes any practice or preparation. The section below offers Wonderlic sample questions to help you understand what questions the assessment will ask.
  • Will there be instructions for the test?
    • Yes. Each section of the assessment will have a different set of instructions. Click here to read the instructions.

Why Do Companies Use Assessments?

  • Your Chance to Shine
    • These assessments are an opportunity for you to showcase your unique skills and strengths. They give you a platform to demonstrate what you bring to the table, well beyond what’s on your resume or what you might share in an interview.
  • Fair Play
    • They’re designed to be fair, giving every candidate an equal shot. By using standardized tests, companies aim to minimize biases and focus purely on your abilities and fit for the role.
  • A Peek into Your Potential
    • Wonderlic tests are good indicators of how you might perform on the job. This means companies are looking beyond just your past experiences and are interested in your potential to grow and succeed in the role.
  • A Clear Process
    • With these assessments, organizations can build a more transparent and structured selection process. It’s all about finding the right match — ensuring the role is right for you just as much as you are right for the role.

Instructions: How to Take Each Part of the Test

Cognitive Ability Assessment Instructions:
This is a test of problem-solving skills. The full Cognitive Ability assessment will contain 50 questions that must be answered without using a calculator, dictionary, or other resources. You will have exactly 12 minutes to provide as many correct answers as you can. Many people do not finish all of the questions but do your best. Guessing is not likely to improve your score. However, if you think you know the answer but are not sure, then mark your best choice and move on. Do not skip around or spend too much time on any one question.

Motivation Assessment Instructions:
The full Motivation assessment will present you with sets of work activities. For each set of three activities, you will be asked to select the activity that you would most like to perform as part of your job. After this, you will be asked to select your favorite of the remaining two. When making your selections, do not consider whether you have enough education or training to perform the activity, or how much money you would expect to make performing it. Simply think about how much you would like or dislike doing it.

Personality Assessment Instructions:
The full Personality Assessment will consist of 150 statements. You must respond to every statement. This activity is not timed but typically takes about 15 minutes to complete. At any point during the test you can go back and review any of your answers. Read each statement and choose the response that best describes you.

Please respond candidly. It is important that you be as careful and honest as you can, and give responses that describe you best. Don’t choose a response because it describes the way that you might like to be.

Want to See a Sample of the Candidate Feedback Report?

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To Learn More About Wonderlic

Please check out the homepage here.

For more information about taking a Wonderlic test

Please check out our candidate page here.

Read more: Wonderlic Sample Questions
Frequently Asked Questions About Wonderlic Assessments

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