The Difference Between Validity and Reliability — and Why Both Are So Important in Assessment Tests
It's a common mistake to assume that reliability and validity, as they relate to pre-employment tests, are essentially the same
Why You Need More Than Just a Resume
There’s nothing like a first impression, and in the case of job applicants, that is often a resume. But let’s
Hiring 101
Seven myths about the “Perfect Applicant”
By making sure you're truly making an effort to get to know your candidates, you're going to find your perfect
Employee Selection
How to Keep a Bad Hire from Getting Worse
Hiring decisions are like investments: once you've made one, you want it to pan out for a long time.
How to Upgrade Your Assessment Experience
According to the Harvard Business Review, 76% of organizations with more than 100 employees use some kind of pre-employment assessment
10 Reasons Why Your SMB Should Outsource Recruitment
Just mentioning outsourcing recruitment typically makes small to midsize business (SMB) leaders cringe as they imagine the cost of recruiting
Why Wonderlic?
Not every candidate is a top performer—and neither is every hiring assessment provider. Here’s why thousands of companies rely on
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